Nausea: How to Care for Your Child
Nausea is a feeling of being sick to the stomach. Children of any age can have nausea. It often happens before throwing up. It's rarely serious and usually goes away in a few days.

Only give medicine if your health care provider recommended it.
Try to give your child a balanced diet if possible, but don't force your child to eat.
If your child's regular food makes the nausea worse, encourage your child to:
Eat plain foods, such as toast, crackers, rice, and mashed potatoes.
Avoid greasy, fried, or sugary foods.
Eat and drink small amounts slowly.
Avoid activity right after meals.
Encourage your child to get plenty of liquids:
Offer things like water, diluted juice, soup, ice pops, or gelatin.
Avoid carbonated drinks (like soda) and drinks with caffeine (like coffee and caffeinated teas).
Follow your health care provider's advice about when your child can return to school or childcare.

Your child:
starts vomiting
has nausea that lasts for more than a week or comes back again after getting better
has belly pain or watery diarrhea
has a fever
has headaches that are severe or frequent or happen in the morning when they wake up
refuses to eat or drink

Why does nausea happen? Common reasons for nausea include infections, stress, anxiety, some medicines, motion sickness, food sensitivities, allergic reactions, pregnancy, and dehydration.